Zoologist Perfumes - Bat

So my curiosity got the better of me (as it so often does) and I ordered a sample of this.  After a long and busy week at work, today seemed like a day I would rather crawl into a cave than have one more work day this week - so Bat seemed like a good choice.
On it's opening, I don't get banana at all.  Even with a light touch, Bat reached up and grabbed me by the throat and pulled me into a dark, dank cave.  The scent was so realistic I was waiting for a hoard of troglobites to come crawling out after me!  I get a strong earthy, mineral, and vegetal notes paired with a furry and musky fresh-tanned leather.  About an hour later, the scent has begun to mellow with the warm fruity notes.  Bat literally transports you to the world of the bat and you experience the flight from the perspective of the bat.  I'm not sure whether this would ever be a scent I'd want to wear out regularly but it's really fascinating experiencing its development.  I recommend this scent for the journey alone!

Notes: Banana, soft fruits, earth, fig, tropical fruits, mineral notes, myrrh, resin, vegetal roots, furry musk, leather, vetiver, sandalwood, tonka

