Montale - Vanilla Cake EDP

Vanilla Cake was launched by Montale in 2018.  It is classified as an oriental vanilla but it's more clearly a gourmand.

So, lets’ start out this week on a sweet note with a little silliness.  Let’s talk about cake.  Vanilla cake.  Deep, rich, buttery yellow cake.  It’s quite possible you’re 5 again and at a birthday party.  Oh and there’s that cake.  The cake has just been baked and frosted.  Cake!  You get that strong whiff of vanilla batter that just risen into the most delectable, moist cake there is.  And frosting.  Frosting whipped and piled high full of decadent vanilla goodness.  Sure, there is a slight creamy almond and a soft twist of caramel, perhaps served on the side as garnish, but this is all about the cake.  Did I mention there’s cake?!

Vanilla Cake wears on me for about 9 hours with soft projection.

Notes: Almond powder, butter cream, milky mousse, caramel, yogurt cake, meringue, vanilla
